September Rose

"like a rose trampled to the grown, He took the fall....and thought of me, above all."

Location: NEW ENGLAND, United States

A 40year old female living in New England..... rambling about parenting 4 kids,homeschooling, autism, spiritual abuse, relatives, politics and any other thought that passes through this old brain. I mostly ramble on "in the garden"

Monday, October 17, 2005

One Friday Night

It all started because I attended a pampered chef party that an old friend was hosting. When I got to her house, she realized that she had gotten the wrong white chocolate for a desert recipe that we would be eating. So I ran to the grocery store on her behalf. . . . .

Coming up the aisle that had baking goods, there was this adorable toddler girl who started talking to me. She was just absolutely beautiful, so I had to stop and play "peek a boo". Her parents had their back to me and were arguing over which brand of rice to buy. I continued up the aisle to get my purchases. Apparently the girl's father thought I continued out of the aisle,
but I hadn't.

I returned the way I came in and stopped to talk to my new toddler friend. Her father's dupa (polish for behind) was right next to me......

and he let one rip. I kid you not. It was the loudest rip that I have ever heard. I was so close, I felt the vibrations. It was like an earthquake. I walked away quickly, but not quickly enough. The mortified wife yelled at him, "OH MY GOD. Well that is LOVELY, with people right behind you, have you no manners!!!!!!!!!"

I wanted to laugh so hard.

The old me would have turned and said, "please don't worry, I have a husband and sons...."

But the new me pretended to be pretensious, just for the moment. I walked with my head held high and not even a smirk on my face. I was for the momentary fantasy, ALL the pretentious customers I had encountered while shopping with a child who has senory integration disorder!

I was the women and men who had no sense of humor and could not laugh at life's in opportune moments.

It felt good. And anyone in bondage to making other's feel better about themselves knows exactly the fanatasy that I lived.

My regrets to that poor woman. If it were my husband, well, we would never be shopping together again...hehehehehehehe

but since it wasn't my husband, it was perhaps the funniest moment shopping that I have ever been a part of.



Blogger Zoe said...

Funny story Jane. :) Was just thinking of myself in the same situation...LOL...I probably would have stood up & said, "Bet you're glad you got that out of your system. You've GOTTA feel better now!"

7:03 AM  
Blogger Brotha Buck said...

Ok. Im a guy, but the one thing that makes my hair stand on end is anyone elses farts beyond my own.

9:32 PM  
Blogger David said...

So what I want to know is why you didn't fire one back at him? I mean he owes you a smell now, so you have to go collect it!

11:24 AM  
Blogger ♥ Noelle ♥ said...

hi! Funny story! ok, polish and you like pampered chef- i think we could get along great!

8:17 PM  

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